As a small schoolboy I used to play at doctors with my girl schoolmate. We would operate on her teddy bear to save him from a seeming death. I knew then that plush toys were alive and they had souls. The only thing I did not know was that one day real doctors would operate on me and save me from actual death.
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
(reproduced from a private collection)
82×62 cm
“Plush Hearts Donors“ 2012

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
48×42 cm
"Morsel" 1996

I´m screaming in my sleep. My wife wakes me up and comforts me. I´m awaking and trying to get that scary dream out of my head. To my happiness, this nuisance happens to me only now and then. On another night and in different time I´m awakened by a loud laughter of my wife´s. I´m smiling and trying to figure out what she is laughing about in her dream. In an embrace, I ask her and she keeps on laughing; in the laughter she only says “I don´t know“. We are Yin and Yang both in our dreams and reality …
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
“Landscape of my Insanity“ 2016

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
82×62 cm
„My Love“ 2004

The heron is a sacred bird in Egypt considered to be the creator of the world. In China, it is a symbol of strength, purity and long life. In some parts of Africa, they believe they can communicate with the Gods. In Christianity, it is considered a symbol of repentance for its ashen color…
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
(reproduced from a private collection)
62×82 cm
"The Girl with the Heron" 2007

There are three of us in the room: an elderly teacher who constantly weeps over himself, a youngster with hair as dark as the coal dust and the belly bloated like that of a primipara, and then there is me, with water around the frenetically beating heart. I was allowed home for several days and when came back, one bed was empty. All that left on it was remains of black hair, which I have to sleep with. I thing of the boy who never had a girl and left so young. In my visions I see a girl leaning over him, connected with him by a pink umbilical cord in the flow of hope, trying to revive him in the world beyond, the other world.
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
“Resurrection“ 2004

The word "Golem" comes from Hebrew and means "incompleteness, imperfection". The first man, Adam, created by God from dust, was a golem first. The man-made being made of clay, the golem, had no will of his own, no thoughts, could not speak, and merely carried out the orders of his master, who set him in motion by means of the shem.
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
„Golem“ 2016

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
(reproduced from a private collection)
68×62 cm
„My chest surgery“ 2015

Peter's Rocks, located in the Jeseníky region, were allegedly the scene of lush and unbridled Sabbaths of witches with the personal participation of the devil. The mere accusation of being present at Peter's Rocks was the reason for the accusation of witchcraft. In the fabricated trials, which were led by the Olomouc inquisitor Heinrich Franz von Edelstadt at the end of the 17th century, over a hundred people were accused and subsequently burned.
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
82×62 cm
"On the Peter's Rocks" 2016

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
42×42 cm
„Shepherdess“ 1996

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
62×82 cm
„Abstract woman“ 2018

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
48×42 cm
„A mole and its burrow“ 1995

Leda, the daughter of the king of Aetolia (son of Ares, the god of war), was married to king Tyndareos of Sparta. When his brother Hippokoon forced him to leave Sparta, king Thestios provided him with asylum. Leda a Tyndareos fell in love and married. When Hippokoon died in combat with Heracles they moved back to Sparta. There Leda gave birth to four children: Castor and Clytemnestra were the descendants of Tyndareos, while Polydeukes and Helena had a different father – the highest god Zeus who made her pregnant when transformed in a swan, and she laid two eggs. According to another version Nemesis, who would lay eggs, transformed in Leda.
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
(reproduced from a private collection)
68×62 cm
“Leda and the Swan“ 2011

Judith and Holofernes - a fictional story about how the Assyrian king Nebuchadnezzar fought against the Medes until he defeated them. Then he wanted a revenge on the West that had failed to provide him assistance in his struggle. All surrendered to him except the Jews. They fortified themselves in the city of Bethulia. Nebuchadnezzar sent his troops under the leadership of Holofernes against Bethulia. The Ammonite Achior warned him that the Jews are being watched over by their God, but Holofernes sent him straight to Bethulia as a punishment, to perish along with the people there. The city was surrounded, besieged and sealed off. The inhabitants were rescued by the pious woman Judith, who went out of town with her maidservant. Both women let themselves be captured by Holofernes, deceived him, and eventually beheaded him. Then Judith returned to Bethulia. Subsequently, the Assyrian army was defeated and withdrew.
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
(reproduced from a private collection)
45×42 cm
"Judith and Holofernes" 1997

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
42×47 cm
„Penetration“ 1996

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
62×82 cm
„Ex machina II.“ 2016

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
62×82 cm
„Nestling II.“ 2013

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
68×54 cm
„Bluetooth Alien“ 2011

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
45×42 cm
„A man and his dog“ 1994

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
(reproduced from a private collection)
82×62 cm
„Sisters from Pop Art“ 2011

I´m sitting on a toilet bowl and smoking a cheap cigarette. The worn-out hospital pyjamas that I´ve been wearing for several days is trying to soak up my sweat. The orange tube that is sticking out from the right side of my chest leads to a big glass vessel with an azure-blue solution of copper sulphate. As I cough, bubbles burst out in the vessel - as if a small aquanaut was in there and my deflate lung expands all the more. It occurred to me that if I had spare lungs that I could wear as a vest and could take a deeper breath, I would not to have to return to my room with the bubbling vessel and the smoky mist.
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
(reproduced from a private collection)
62×82 cm
“Lung Vest“ 2003

According to one of the first Greek poets Hésiodos, Venus was born out of the sea foam, formed at the spot where the castrated Uranos´ genitals landed in the sea. She reached the shore on the half-shell, drifted by a mild breeze …
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
(reproduced from a private collection)
60×47 cm
“Birth of Venus“ 2008

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
45×42 cm
„Scarecrow“ 1993

My mouth is wide open, like a window on a sweltering day. I cannot scream, though I would like to, so I only moan silently. I have a long surgeon steel tube thrust in my throat. The doctor who has put it in there is taking samples from my lungs through the tube cavity. I feel like an involuntary sword swallower. After years, as I walked round a pond I found a dead heron. I looked at her beautifully slender ash-grey throat, and I thought she would have it much worse than I did, if somebody wanted to do bronchoscopy on her.
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
(reproduced from a private collection)
62×82 cm
„Bronchoscopy via Heron II.“ 2016

Rabbit in Christianity represents a symbol of vigilance for its alleged ability to sleep with eyes open, a symbol of escape from temptation, and repeated rebirth. Rabbit would also accompany the witches. In the East Rabbit is perceived as a previous reincarnation of Buddha. For American Indians, Rabbit means the Animal Creator.
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
68×62 cm
„Rabbit“ 2011

On his stay on the island of Crete, the mythlogic sculptor Daedalus built a labyrinth for king Minos, in which the King then hid his son Minotaur, a creaure with the head of a bull and the body of a man. In order that Daidalos could not reveal the secret of the labyrinth, the king banned him from leaving Crete. However, Daedalus secretly made two pairs of wings out of bird feathers, threads and wax, and along with his son Icarus he set to aireal journey back to his home Athens. However, young Icarus did not heed his father´s warnings not to fly too high to the Sun besause of the heat. Enchanted with his flight, he flew higher and higher. The Sun beams heated up the wax, the wings fell apart, and Icarus crashed to the sea and died.
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
(reproduced from a private collection)
42×45 cm
“The Impact of Icarus“ 1994

Into the classroom enters our class teacher. Her titles before and after the name are impressive. Everybody knows why she teaches only at a secondary school, though it is never talked about. At lightning speed we erect up to attention and at attention we stay even when sitting. The teacher has an aquiline nose, a big heart of gold hung on her breasts, rings on her hands, one of them in the shape of a skull with crossbones, and around her neck is a ginger animal with glass eyes, the part of an obsolete fur coat. “Open all windows, there is a stench in here, you nepotistic brats!“, she yells out and we obediently tilt the row of windows into the chilling frost. “What, you are cold? I´ll warm you up – I´ll call on - I can´t choose, perhaps … “ Everyone of us would swear on her, for she was straightforward, frank, wise, and in the fourth grade we even understood her sense of humour …
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
80×60 cm
“Lady and the Fox“ 2020

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
(reproduced from a private collection)
50×41 cm
„Face to face“ 1996

Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
62×82 cm
„Infusion“ 2014

Into my vein is driven a needle, connected to a slowly dripping chemical. I am lying and I cannot move. There are six of us in the room, but now there is only me and a co-patient with crutches. In addition to his current disease, life in his youth endowed him with paralysis. Now he is getting ready to throw away a bloodstained swab. After three minutes of toilsome hobbling towards the waste bin he misses the target. Slowly he starts to fold up his paralysed legs under himself and the crutches, and tries to reach for the dropped swab. He has been raised that way. I am looking up to the ceiling and ask myself for a thousand times – When will it end? Hope must be of the pink colour.
Analog silver bromide photography by
hand colored
52×42 cm
“Pink Hope” 2008